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Can't Decide Between Microblading or Traditional Eyebrow Tattooing? Read This

Beautician showing permanent eyebrow tattooing tools

If you're unhappy with your sparse, incomplete, or interrupted eyebrows, you're probably looking for a cosmetic solution that will fill out those brows. Your friends or loved ones may have suggested one of two possible approaches: microblading and traditional eyebrow tattooing.

These cosmetic techniques are actually fairly closely related. They both involve applying color beneath the skin and creating lusher, more consistent-looking eyebrows, and they both require four to six weeks to heal up completely, at which point an additional touch-up session completes your new look. However, there are also some significant differences that you need to know about. Let's examine them.

Permanent Solution or Temporary Effect?

Traditional eyebrows are just as permanent in nature as tattoos applied to other areas of the body. By contrast, microbladed eyebrows usually last just one to two years before fading away. This difference might seem to make traditional tattoos the obvious solution -- until you consider the question of changing styles and tastes. the eyebrows so in vogue today may look quaintly old-fashioned or even ridiculous at some point in the future. Microblading requires more work to maintain, but it also gives you the option of changing styles completely as prevailing fashion or your own taste evolves.

Color Fidelity or Color Changes?

Permanent tattoo inks inevitably fade over the years. A pitch-black tattoo might eventually appear blue-green in color. This happens not only to body tattoos, but to permanent eyebrows tattoos as well. The effect may be most obvious around the edges of the brows. Microblading makes use of pigments instead of inks. While pigments fade even more quickly than inks, they never actually change color; they simply fade into a lighter color of whatever was originally applied. When this happens, you can correct it with a fresh microblading session.

Customized or Machine-Based Application?

Unlike the hand-drawn work featured by many body tattoo artisans, traditional eyebrow tattooing is usually performed not by hand, but by machine. While the results will be technically accurate, their straight edges may look more artificial than natural. Microblading employs hand-drawn individual strokes that can closely mimic the feathered edges of real eyebrows. The edges of these strokes will sit very close to the top of the skin instead of penetrating as deeply as a permanent tattoo, adding to the realism of the final result.

More Pain or Less Pain?

Anyone who has ever had a tattoo can attest to the fact that it involves a certain amount of pain. Traditional eyebrow tattooing is no exception, especially since the face is such a sensitive area. If you'd prefer to alter your eyebrows with the least discomfort possible under the circumstances, choose microblading instead of traditional eyebrow tattooing. Once you've received the preliminary local anesthetic, the sensation should seem no more uncomfortable than a typical tweezing session.

Keep in mind that any kind of cosmetic eyebrow alteration requires the right mix of skill, tools, and experience. Contact us today to learn more about our techniques and schedule an appointment.

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